Each week, we explore Hillary Clinton's universe to provide a round-up of the week's most compelling news, while providing analysis on media commentary, punditry, polling and more. Yes, the election is still a bazillion years away, but when it comes to the story of the potential first female president ever, it's never too early to start the conversation.
Clinton Reveals Her Chapter on Benghazi
As anticipation builds for Hillary's upcoming memoir, Hard Choices, she's teased arguably the most salacious part by unveiling her chapter on Benghazi. In the chapter, Hillary takes some responsibility for the incident while sinking her teeth into the GOP, which continues to wield the tragedy as a weapon against her. Some juicy passages:
I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It’s just plain wrong, and it’s unworthy of our great country. Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me.
Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country.
As Politico points out, Hillary seems to be providing Dems with a template for fighting back against Republicans on Benghazi. Will they take the bait? Will this finally help lay Benghazi to rest? Or will the "political slugfest" continue on? We're going to go with answer (C).
Hillary and President Obama Meet for (Not so Secret) Secret Lunch
Oops! Yesterday, People magazine's Washington bureau chief shared a tweet that read "...w/ Hillary Clinton before her meeting at the WH. Hope we didn't make her late for @barackobama!" The problem? Said meeting was apparently supposed to be a secret. It wasn't anywhere on Obama's agenda, and the tweet was quickly deleted, only to be republished later with "mtg" changed to "lunch." Was the meeting really supposed to be hush-hush? Or was the leak straight from the old-school Washington playbook, albeit with a new-age Twitter twist? Debate away.
In somewhat related news, Obama also appeared this week on Live with Kelly and Michael, saying Hillary would make for a "very effective" president. Perhaps that's what they met about?
Fox News to Sit Down with Hillary in June
Well, this should be interesting. Hillary has an interview slated with No. 1 archenemy Fox News for June 17, just one week after the release of her book. Will she announce her intention to run in front of millions who detest her? Now that would be bold.
The Lowdown
A soon-to-be-released memoir with fever-pitch buzz. A secret lunch with, and endorsement from, the current president. A high-profile interview with a major news outlet. Of all weeks, this one seems to be building up the most to a big announcement. In fact, at this point, it's hard to see Hillary not throwing her hat in the ring within the next couple weeks. Though of course, you never know.
As for polling, Hillary is holding strong, with one interesting trend taking shape: a veritable chasm between male and female support. A recent Washington Post poll reveals an astonishing 25 point gap in support among men and women—showing just how much ladies are clamoring for one of their own in office.
Will Hillary announce her run officially soon? Once again, we reiterate: you just never know. Stay tuned to find out what happens next.
Image: Wikimedia Commons